The Talkeetna Bachelor Society is a collection of single men who want to create the best possible living conditions and opportunities for women and children and help raise awareness of domestic violence, find ways to prevent it, and in the worst-case scenario provide treatment to its victims.
The Society was created and hosted its first Auction in 1981 at the Fairview Inn. In 1986, Pam Rannals created the Wilderness Woman Contest in order to allow women to show off their uniquely Alaskan skill sets. The events, which had previously been underwritten by the Fairview Inn, reached profitability in 1989. The Society decided to make a donation to the Valley Women’s Resource Center in order to show their appreciation for the women that attended their extravaganza. The Society also made donations to local non-profits and organizations that addressed community needs.
Now, the Talkeetna Bachelor Society's fundraising activities benefit The Talkeetna Bachelor Society’s Fund for Women and Children in Crisis, administered by the Jessica Stevens Community Foundation through the Alaska Community Foundation, The Families in Crisis Fund administered by the Sunshine Community Health Center, and several other local organizations.